Resource Efficiency In The Defences Budget: A Case Study Of Electric Hybrid Military Vehicle Technology Integration

Suciati Suciati, Thea Diva Theressa, Gita Amperiawan, Erzi Agson Gani, Imanuel Dindin


This research evaluates the integration of hybrid electric military vehicle technology and how it impacts defense budget optimization. A cross-sectional survey design with a quantitative approach was employed to collect and analyze data. The survey was conducted among 30 respondents representing various age groups, educational backgrounds, and work experiences. Through a series of validity and reliability tests, as well as analysis of descriptive responses, it was found that interest in the concept of electric hybrid vehicles among respondents was very high. The results showed significant validity (sig. <0.05) for all survey items, with fairly high reliability (>0.600). The analysis included descriptive statistics to provide an overview of respondents' characteristics and attitudes, as well as inferential statistics to evaluate the relationship between attitudes towards technology and support for its implementation. The majority of respondents showed high interest in the electric hybrid vehicle concept, supported by their perception of environmental benefits and operational efficiency. More interestingly, the authors found solid support for the integration of this technology in military infrastructure, with the belief that investment in the development of hybrid-electric military vehicles could optimize defense budgets. While challenges in adapting infrastructure and training personnel are acknowledged, support for implementation remains high. This research confirms that hybrid electric military vehicle technology has great potential as a solution to increase defense efficiency and readiness, while ensuring more optimal use of resources in the defense budget


Resource Optimization, Defense Budget, Electrix Hybrid Military, Technology Integration

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