The Potential of Waste Power Plants (PLTSa) to Supporting Economic Growth and Enhance Sustainable Energy Security
This study examines the renewable energy potential of waste-to-energy plants and its relationship with economic growth. Renewable energy is gaining increasing attention in various countries as a solution to energy and environmental problems. One of the growing solutions is using waste as an energy source, so this study aims to analyze the economic impact of waste-to-energy plant development. How can the development of waste power plants (PLTSa) contribute to economic growth and national energy security? This research is a renewal of previous research that focused on the economic aspects of PLTSa, which are still under-researched compared to the technological aspects. To gain a better understanding of the dynamics involved in the development of PLTSa, this research utilized qualitative methods. Literature analysis, case studies, and semi-structured interviews were conducted with key stakeholders in the study, including the government, waste management companies, and communities. To find patterns and relationships between the development of PLTSa and economic growth, the data collected was thematically analyzed. The research shows that the creation of a Waste Power Plant (PLTSa) can create new jobs, reduce waste management costs, and increase revenue from the sale of electrical energy. The results also show that in the long run, investment in waste-to-energy plants can generate a positive return on investment. Waste-to-energy plants have great potential to address environmental concerns and drive economic growth. With the right strategy, it can become an important part of the renewable energy portfolio and support sustainable development. To maximize the economic benefits, policies such as tax incentives and subsidies are needed
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