Strengthening Illegal Fishing Monitoring through the Implementation of Vessel Monitoring System
Indonesia's fisheries industry, an important pillar of the national economy, faces major challenges due to illegal fishing practices. Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated (IUU) fishing is a global problem that threatens marine ecosystems and sustainable fisheries. FAO reports that Indonesia experiences an annual loss of approximately IDR 30 trillion due to IUU fishing, not including potential losses such as decreased output of the fishing industry and socio-economic impacts for fishers. To address this issue, the implementation of Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) is crucial to improve the protection of Indonesia's fishing industry. VMS, as a geospatial maritime strategy, utilises data and technology to effectively monitor and manage fisheries resources. By accurately mapping fishery areas, identifying vessel movement patterns, and analysing data, VMS facilitates compliance monitoring, area violation detection, and fishing quota management. This system not only supports sustainable fishing but also combats illegal practices, enabling faster enforcement actions. This article uses a qualitative approach with a literature review method to explore the strengthening of illegal fishing monitoring through the implementation of VMS. The study evaluates the effectiveness of VMS in detecting and preventing illegal fishing, reviews policy and regulatory support, and analyses the role of stakeholders. The findings emphasise the importance of VMS for real-time monitoring and law enforcement, contributing to the sustainability of marine resources and the well-being of fishing communities.
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