Relationships Between Family Role with Stunting Incidents in Rural
Stunting problems that occur in childhood impact morbidity, death, disorders of growth, disturbance of mental development, and cognitive and motor development. Disturbances that occur tend to nature irreversibly and influence development next thing you can increased the risk of disease degenerative moment maturity. Conjecture factors affecting the incidence of stunting in children are the internal support system family, habits, and behavior Mother in pattern maintenance during pregnancy and after birth as well as the role family in overcoming stunting. The study aims to know the connection role of the family with the stunting incident. Study observational with design case-control unmatched with a sample size of 100 respondents. Retrieval technique sample using simple random sampling for every location that has been determined. This data analysis used the chi-square statistical test and estimation test to assess the odds ratio using data analysis software. Research result report There is a significant relationship between role family with the incidence of stunting p=0.000 (P<0.05) with OR value = 16.4 (OR > 1, 95%CI: 2.4-13.94). Other related factors are the age mother (p =0.01), the income family (p=0.00), and the mother's education (p=0.00).
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