Integrated Scorecard to Support Corporate Sustainability Strategies

Indra Huspa, Yulihasri .


This study aims to analyze the PT XYZ performance measurement system with the Integrated Scorecard method. The analysis is directed to analyze the problems that are aligned with the objectives of this study. This study uses qualitative methods, namely research on data collected and expressed in the form of words or pictures. The object of this study is PT XYZ in West Sumatra.

The results show: (1). The use of the Integrated Scorecard can support PT XYZ's sustainability strategy by integrating environmental and social aspects into the company's core business strategy; (2) The use of the Integrated Scorecard can support PT XYZ's sustainability strategy by providing comprehensive monitoring of sustainability performance through the integration of three pillars of sustainability performance, namely economic, environmental and social. (3). Using the Integrated Scorecard can support the company's sustainability strategy by integrating stakeholder management.


Integrated Scorecard, Corporate Sustainability Strategies

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