Innovation Adoption Process On Shallot Cultivation From True Shallot Seeds By Farmers In East Payakumbuh, Payakumbuh, West Sumatera
This study aims to analyze the adoption process of farmers' innovations on shallot cultivation from true shallot seeds in East Payakumbuh sub-district, District of Payakumbuh, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The research was conducted in the Working Area of the Agricultural Extension Center in East Payakumbuh District. The research method used is a case study with a total of 29 farmers who have received information about cultivating shallots from true shallot seeds (TSS) and have implemented shallot cultivation using the bulbs. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive qualitative and percentage.
The results showed that farmers went through several adoption stages regarding shallot cultivation from the seeds, namely obtaining information (knowledge stage), experimenting the innovations on shallot cultivation from seeds on a small scale, and assessing the innovation from the technical and economical aspects. However, most farmers ended the innovation adoption process by not adopting the innovation or refusing to apply the innovation on their land.
The results of the study illustrate that not all stages in the adoption process are passed and accepted by farmers, and the innovation decision process does not always end with adoption.
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