Perception Of Farmers On The Innovation Of Legowo Jajar System In Padang City: (Case Study in Sungai Sapih Village Kuranji District Padang City West Sumatra Province)

Harisman Harisman, Yenny Oktavia, Rahmat Syahni


This study aims to describe the characteristics of rice farmers who implement the Legowo Jajar System in Padang City and Describe farmers' perceptions of the Legowo Jajar System in Padang City. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with the type of survey. The results of research on rice farmers' perceptions of the innovation of the legowo jajar system in Padang City can be concluded that rice farmers who apply the legowo jajar system to the Setia Budi farmer group have a productive age category, the level of education is mostly high school graduation, the area of land owned by farmers ranges from 0.25 - 1.25 Ha, land ownership status is mostly arable land and with an average experience of 49 years. Farmers' perceptions of the implementation of the legowo jajar system in the Setia Budi farmer group in Padang City were negative. In the labor category, the number of inputs used, costs used and results obtained were needed more in the application of the legowo row system than conventional systems.


Farmer perception, Jajar legowo system, Innovation.

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