Political Dynamics In The Hadith Transmission: Hadis Scholars And Orientalists’ Perspectives

Idri Shaffat, Arif Jamaluddin


This article aims to explain the political dynamics in the transmission of Prophet’s hadith according to hadith scholars and Orientalists. Hadith scholars say that the process of transmitting hadith had been occured since the Prophet said or did something, or let his Companions do something or they witnessed Prophet’s characteristics which were then heard or witnessed by the Companions and then they were conveyed to others or to the next generation, and so on untill the hadiths were collected by hadith collectors (mukharrij), such as Malik ibn Anas, al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud, al-Nasa’i, al-Turmudzi, Ibn Majah. Meanwhile, some Orientalists argue that the process of transmitting hadith happened when the Muslims who lived at the end of the first century of the Higra, namely (tabi’in/Successors) made some hadiths and they relied them on Prophet’s Companions and next to the Prophet Muhammad to get legitimacy. This process is known as projecting back. After that, the Successors or other persons spread the hadiths (as common link) so the hadith had many isnads then they were conveyed to the next generation and so on until they were recorded by hadith collectors.


Hadith scholars state that the occurrence of hadith transmission which took very long time since the time of the Prophet to the third and fourth centuries of the Higra involved many narrators (ruwat al-hadith) from each generation and led to the emergence of hadith narrators with different the ability, inclination, and backgrounds, as well as the narration of hadiths motivated by the political dynamics among Muslims since the Companions to the Abbasids era. Each political factions such as the Jumhur, Shi’ah, Khawarij, and Mu'awiyah had been involved in producing and spreading false hadiths for the benefit of their groups. According to Orientalists, hadith or sunnah has relationship with politics which can be seen in government administration and general practices during the Companions and Successors era. Some of the Caliphs involved in making hadith by forcing the Muslim Scholars to make hadiths for the benefit of their authorities. Hadith materials had developed in such a large numbers from one generation to the next. Hadith falsification has also occurred due to competition between political opponents, especially during the Umayyad period. The rulers of the Umayyads adhered to secularism so that they were not interested in Islamic matters. They were not interested in fabricating fake hadiths except those related to their interests. The Medina clergy group, according to the Orientalists, were the first to initiate the hadith forgery movement against the Umayyad rulers.


hadith, politics, narration, scholars, Orientalist, sunnah

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v45.1.6249


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