The Influence of Popular Music on Youth Culture
Abstract—This study explores the multifaceted influence of popular music on teen culture, examining how popular music shapes various aspects of adolescent life, including self-expression, fashion, language, social norms, and involvement in community. Through a combination of quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, the study identified the significant impact of popular music genres in shaping and reflecting adolescent identity. These findings reveal that popular music serves as an important medium for self-expression and creativity, allowing adolescents to articulate their emotions and build personal and social identities. In addition, the study also highlights how popular music influences teen fashion trends and everyday language, integrating elements of slang and new styles into teen culture. Socially, involvement in the music community improves communication skills and fosters a sense of solidarity among peers. In addition, the lyrical content of popular music often provides inspiration and motivation, although it can also bring negative influences depending on its nature. Overall, the study concludes that popular music is a dominant force in shaping the cultural landscape of modern adolescents, with both positive and negative consequences, underscoring the need for mindful engagement with its content.
Keywords—influence of popular music, music on culture (key words)
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