The Use Of Social Media In Maintaining Cultural Identity
Abstract—Social media use has become an integral part of everyday life in an increasingly connected digital age. However, behind the ease of this technology, lies the complex struggle associated with the formation and maintenance of cultural identity. This study adopts a qualitative approach with a literature review method to explore the role of social media in maintaining cultural identity. By adopting the right strategy and receiving support from various parties, social media is emerging as a powerful instrument in ensuring the survival and prosperity of cultural customs, languages, and rituals amid the challenges of globalization. This research aims to provide insight into the relationship between social media use and the maintenance of cultural identity in an increasingly digitally connected society. Through literature synthesis, the study identifies the role of local community collaboration and participation in online communities in cultural heritage preservation efforts. The results show that social media provides an important platform for individuals and communities to confirm, express, and celebrate their cultural identity. However, challenges and risks such as emphasis on cultural identity and inaccurate information also need to be considered. Therefore, a careful and critical approach is needed in the use of social media to maintain and strengthen cultural identity in an increasingly digitally connected society.
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