Analysis Of The Influence Of Media On Cultural Change In The Digital Age

Rossatul Nurliza, Eko Purwanto, Tantry Widiyanarti, Sopian Sopian, Hana Asilah Mumtaz, Berliyanti Sapitri, Novi Puspita Sari, Husnul Ma’rifah


This study analyzes the influence of digital media on cultural change in the digital age. In the past decade, the development of digital technology has changed the way people access information, communicate, and express cultural identity. Digital media, including social media, streaming platforms, and various forms of online content, play a significant role in shaping cultural values, norms, and symbols. The research identified that digital media accelerates the process of cultural globalization, which often leads to the homogenization of global values. However, digital media also provides tools for local communities to maintain and promote their cultural traditions. The results showed that the influence of digital media on culture is complex and multifaceted, covering aspects of cultural adaptation and resistance. In this context, digital media can be seen as agents of change that connect local cultures with global dynamics, while challenging and enriching traditional cultural heritage. This research provides in-depth insights into the role of digital media in cultural transformation and its implications for communication and cultural studies in the modern era.


media influence, cultural change, digital age

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