Design of a Flap Stand Tool for Maintenance on a Super King Air Model 350i Aircraft at the Center for Flight Facilities Calibration

Amalia Azhari, Lilies Esthi Riyanti, Yanuar Mohammad Marda


Balai Besar Kalibrasi Fasilitas Penerbangan (BBKFP) is an Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) responsible for performing aircraft maintenance. One of their tasks is the special inspection of inboard and outboard flaps on Super King Air Model 350i aircraft, conducted every 36 months or 3000 cycles. This requires specialized tools, such as a flap stand tool for removing, installing, and storing flaps. Inadequate equipment can create unsafe conditions for technicians, as the manual flap containment process has led to incidents like Teflon washers falling into flaps held with short tires. To address this, a flap stand was designed using the VDI method. This tool is intended to enhance the maintenance process at BBKFP. Testing revealed that the designed tool can lift a flap weighing 7.89 kg using a thread with a 6-ton capacity and ASTM A36 material.


Aircraft Maintenance; Flap Stand Design; Safety Enhancement; VDI 2221 method; Static Load Analysis

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