Dedy Miswar, Rahma Kurnia Utami, Yarmaidi Yarmaidi, Muhammad Akbar, fauziah Aryati, Rita Simamora


Rajabasa District is one of the district areas in Bandar Lampung City, with 22 pharmacies in Bandar Lampung City which are not supported by spatially based distribution information. The lack of availability of information regarding pharmacies in Rajabasa District can cause problems such as how many pharmacies should be in Rajabasa District if adjusted to the population, and unclear information regarding the extent of services of each pharmacy in Rajabasa District. This research aims to analyze the spatial distribution of pharmacy services in Rajabasa District. The variable in this research is the pharmacy, with data collection techniques namely surveys and documentation. This research uses data overlay and network analyst techniques. The results of the research are a thematic map of the broad distribution of pharmacy services in Rajabasa District.


Spatial, overlay, pharmacy, service area

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