Revalorization Of Prosopanche Americana (Hydnoraceae), Used In Argentine Original Communities
The present work included the study of Prosopanche americana (Hydnoraceae), a medicinal plant native to the province of San Luis. According to the World Health Organization, many populations in the world still use the plants for food and health problems. Prosopanche americana is popularly known as "guaycurú", "mil hombres", "flor de tierra", "flor de hierro", "huachar". It is a parasitic, subway perennial plant that lacks leaves, which only emerges when it blooms in summer season, develops a subway root system and is found in dry or dune areas. Prosopanche americana was used in folk medicine and as edible fruit.
The objective of this study was determined the preliminary characterization of Prosopanche americana (Hydnoraceae), performing the proximal analysis and potential toxicity to validate the popular use as food. Its characterization has not been published to date. Using the AOAC methods, the composition was: moisture: 73.2 ± 0.04%; protein: 7,81 ± 0.05; fat: 2.50 ± 0.06; fiber: 10,00 ± 0.13; ash: 0.77 ± 0.05; carbohydrates: 5,72. ± 0.19; moisture: 15.2 ± 0.04%; protein: 4.76,00 ± 0.05; fat: 2.90 ± 0.06; fiber: 27,00 ± 0.13; ash: 0.97 ± 0.05; carbohydrates: 40.17±0.98; energy: 78.54± 0.34 calories for fruits and rhizome respectively.
Prosopanche americana toxicity was carried out by of acute toxicity test (OECD guidelines 423). Prosopanche americana aqueous extract was administered orally and the tested doses did not produce visible symptoms or mortality of acute toxicity in the two rodent species used. Prosopanche americana was not classified, since there was no evidence of toxicity at doses higher than 2000 mg/kg, as well as no toxicity at a dose of 5000 mg/kg.
Besides, the importance of study new vegetal source, this underutilized native plant analyzed indicate that have a good nutritional value and non-toxic properties that suggest they can be an important alternative for Argentinian food and nutraceutical industry. Preserving and revaluing their consumption in either the traditional way and also as potential new ingredients.
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