Website-Based Gajiku Design at Koperasi Agro Niaga Indonesia Syariah Malang East Java

Kurnia Ekasari, Aang Afandi, Aulia Hafiida Ade Yolandra


This research aims to analyze and design an accounting information system for the financial institution research object of the Koperasi Agro Niaga Indonesia Syariah Malang East Java. The system design method uses the ADDIE model while the analysis technique uses the Business Process Management (BPM) framework. The BPM framework was chosen because it can provide more comprehensive measurements in assessing the implementation of the use of information technology in accounting information system processes. There are four stages of research. The first is the problem analysis stage. At this stage, observation data, documentation and interviews are collected to obtain information related to company problems. Then the second stage is the data presentation stage using a matrix and the Business Process Management Notation (BPMN) model. The third stage is the stage of designing a website-based employee payroll accounting information system which is created based on the company's needs to improve the quality of business processes. And the last is the stage of formulating conclusions with evaluation. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the implementation of an employee payroll accounting information system that has been designed has the benefit of simplifying processes, saving cycle time, preventing errors, increasing standardization, and large-scale improvements by automating company processes.


Design, Payroll, Business Process, Website, Koperasi Agro Niaga Indonesia Syariah)

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