Communication Strategy of Indramayu Regency Government Digital Public Relations in Delivering the I-CETA Work Program

Puput Citra Etyk, Hudi Santoso, Putri Aggiedhya Ozara


The Communication and Informatics Office of Indramayu Regency as the agency authorized to implement the Indramayu Cepat Tanggap (I-CETA) work program continuously provides services and delivers the program. The implementation of the delivery of the I-CETA work program needs to be carried out optimally so that the Indramayu community can find out about the existence of the work program.  Based on this, a communication strategy is needed to deliver the I-CETA work program. The purpose of this study is to analyze the communication strategy of digital public relations of the Indramayu district government in delivering the I-CETA work program and analyze the factors that become obstacles in carrying out the communication strategy.. The data collection techniques used are observation, interview, documentation and literature study. The resulting conclusion is that the Indramayu Regency government's digital public relations communication strategy in delivering the I-CETA work program goes through five stages, namely research, planning, implementation, evaluation, and reporting. Factors that hinder the implementation of communication strategies are human resources (HR) employees, inactive complaint numbers and call centers that are not centralized.


Communication Strategy, Digital Public Relations, I-CETA

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