Incentive Effect and Career Development and its Impact on the Job Satisfaction of Employees to Work Performance in Human Resources Development Pt. Fertilizer Sriwijaya Palembang

Agustina Hanafi, Yuliani ., Dewi Juniarti


This study aims to analyze the influence of Incentives and Career Development on Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance. There is also a case study of this research is Human Resource Development PT. PupukSriwijaya Palembang Human Resource Division. The sample of this study amounted to 140 respondents. Secondary data are obtained from various sources such as journals, books and other relevant publications. Analytical technique in research using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The results show that incentives have a positive and significant impact on Job Satisfaction. Career Development Affects Job Satisfaction. Incentives affect work performance. Career Development has a significant effect on Job Performance. Job Satisfaction has no significant effect on Job Performance. Incentives Have a close and significant relationship with Career Development. Incentives have an indirect effect through Job Satisfaction on Job Performance Career Development has an indirect influence through Job Satisfaction on Job Performance.


Job Performance, Job Satisfaction, Incentives, and Career Development.

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