Farmers' Adoption Level of Integrated Pest Management of Rice Paddy Crops in Tegineneng District, Regency Pesawaran
Attacks by plant pest organisms reduce global crop production by up to 40%, causing losses to farmers. If this is sustained, it will have a negative impact on the country's economy and food security. Therefore, efforts are needed to anticipate it by promoting technology that is more efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly. One of the efforts to increase production can be done through an integrated pest control system (IPM) (FAO, 2022). This study aims to determine the level of adoption of farmers in IPM of paddy rice plants. The data analysis used is descriptive quantitative, the presentation of this data is intended to categorise and reveal important information about the level of adoption of farmers in integrated pest control of paddy rice plants. The level of adoption of farmers in IPM in the medium category, in other words, farmers have not fully adopted IPM. In the principle of healthy plant cultivation, farmers have used superior seed varieties, carry out seed nurseries, make planting distance arrangements, and carry out fertilisation. In the element of natural enemy utilisation, farmers have not utilised natural enemies. In the element of routine observation, farmers carry out observations at least once a week. In the element of farmers as IPM experts, farmers are quite capable of making, applying and using vegetable pesticides in accordance with the dose recommended by the extension agent.
Keywords— adoption; rice; pht;farmers; sl-pht
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