Navigating Academic Success: Implementing Discipline Management Strategies in Muhanga District, Rwanda



This research explored the influence of discipline management approaches on the academic achievements of secondary school students in Muhanga, Rwanda. Employing a descriptive research design, the study involved 17,973 participants, from whom a random sample of 392 was selected. Data collection relied on questionnaires and interviews, with analysis conducted using SPSS version 22.0. The study identified various classroom control tactics such as regulating movement, monitoring attendance, and establishing permission protocols. It also highlighted deficiencies in enforcing school rules, organizing class activities, and ensuring uniform adherence. While role modeling strategies were inconsistently applied, teachers often fell short in demonstrating behavior like punctuality and fostering student engagement. Negative reinforcement was prevalent, overshadowing the neglect of positive reinforcement. The research revealed significant positive correlations between discipline management methods and academic performance. Recommendations include enhancing teachers' role modeling, attire, and behavior, with support from head teachers through training and budget allocation for effective discipline management. The study emphasizes the pivotal role of discipline management in improving academic outcomes for secondary school students.



Keywords: Discipline management, schools’ strategies, academic performance

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