Teachers Effective Teaching Strategies Viewed from Psychology Educational Perspective

Sokip Sokip, Agus Purwowidodo, Liatul Rohmah, Frisna Septian Renaldi


The impact of the advanced age and the developing innovation can be noteworthy in early childhood brain research. Children of an early age tend to be more responsive to computerized situations that progressively rule lifestyle. In any case, disgraceful abuse of screens and computerized substances can result in rest disarranges, expanded levels of uneasiness, and trouble concentrating. Therefore, it is necessary to study psychological values as a predictor of successful education. To answer the research problem, this study employed a literature review from several experts related to the method of making scientific papers. The data was obtained from the results of scientific books and journals. The result revealed that to succeed the education and learning preparation, teachers must have complex information about the students` development within the school. The teachers are required to be able to understand the common issues of understudies and to understand the age of learners when they can unique considering, understanding the behavior of learners both positive and negative.  


Educational Psychology, Effective Strategy, Teachers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v43.2.6121


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