User Opinion Polarization on IPDN Jatinangor

Sirojul Alam, H.A Danang Rimbawa, Bambang Suharjo


The interaction of Indonesian society in the cyber environment is increasing alongside the growing ease of internet access. BPS data indicates a significant number of Indonesians regularly accessing the internet, exceeding 50% of the country's population. This interaction facilitates people to express their opinions, as observed on platforms like for evaluating various places. IPDN Jatinangor is not exempt from public opinion. We gathered and conducted a thorough analysis of these opinions to understand the societal perception towards IPDN, particularly its main campus in Jatinangor. Our analysis employed polarization techniques based on the Indonesian language lexicon dictionary. The results of the analysis show that 37% of public opinions are positive, 29% are negative, and 34% are neutral.


opinion mining; google; review; nlp;

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