Isolation and Antibacterial Test of Indigenous Bacterial Isolate from The BeeHive of Trigona itama Against Bacteria Staphylococcus aureus and Eschericia coli
Abstract — This Trigona itama which is a type of stingless bee (stingless bee) is also commonly found in Indonesia. This study aims to isolate and characterize indigenous bacteria found in Trigona itama beehive and to perform antibacterial testing on pathogenic bacteria S. aureus and E. coli and continued with morphological characterization, gram staining and catalase test. Two indigenous bacterial isolates were found from Trigona itama beehives and partial characterization was carried out based on morphological observations, Gram staining and catalase testing. Of the two isolates, isolate ISL-1 was able to inhibit S. aureus with an inhibition zone of 2.84 mm. Meanwhile, ISL-2 isolate was able to inhibit E. coli with an inhibition zone of 2.22 mm. The results of macroscopic observations show that the indigenous Trigona itama bee hive bacterial colony with the code ISL-1 has a circular shape, entire margin, raised elevation, cream color, and has a small size, while the ISL-2 bacterial isolate has a circular shape, curled margin, raised elevation, white, and small in size. Microscopic observation of cell morphology of ISL-1 and ISL-2 isolates showed that the bacteria were Gram negative and had the shape of bacilli and coccus cells. The catalase test of ISL-1 and ISL-2 showed positive results.
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