Punakawan Picture Storybook's Role in Fostering Character Education to Elementary School Students

Veronika Unun Pratiwi, Arin Arianti, Nurnaningsih Nurnaningsih


The current study's scope is confined to some criteria, including the author's limited focus on design-related challenges, such as developing story content, redesigning Punakawan characters for children in cartoon type for interactive digital storybooks in a values-based approach. This study was designed using a qualitative descriptive research model with data from the literature. The researcher used interview techniques, observations, and direct storytelling with elementary school children in grades 4-6, aged 9 to 12. The results of the study revealed that the picture story book illustrated the story. The Kisah Teladan bersama Punakawan in this study recounts the story of Punakawan, who is present and communicates with readers through visual language. The combination of educational content, puppet characters, and digital media is something unique and appealing. Kisah Teladan besama Punakawan is a picture story book that portrays children's daily life in a modern and contemporary manner while maintaining the character features of the Punakawan characters from authentic wayang stories. The depiction of the Punakawan character in a cartoon version for children expresses the impression that the Punakawan character is not only an old school figure designed for the elderly, but also has its own unique personality when intended for children


picture storybook; character building; elementary school; children

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v43.2.6073


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