A Retrospective And Integral Analysis Of Alisher Navoi's Philosophical Views On Science And Humanism

Izzetova Emine Mustafaevna, Li Ekaterina Vladimirovna


The article provides a retrospective analysis of the humanistic paradigm of cognition, science, and scientific knowledge, which is implemented in the creative heritage of A.Navoi. The interrelation of the process of cognition, scientific knowledge, with the existentials of human existence is shown: love, freedom, creativity, spirituality, goodness, will, choice. A.Navoi assigns a special place to creative activity, science and ethical values in the formation of the uniqueness of the human personality, in resolving contradictions between the human inner world and the social environment, problems of internal choice, a person's search for his inner self and a place in life.


Science, Human, Humanistic Paradigm, Scientific Knowledge, Ethical Existentials, Perfect Personality, Reason, Sufism, Love, Truth, "Thought Of The Heart", Creativity

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v43.2.6068


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