Analysis of Nutritional Content of Artificial Foods Made from Fermented Ficus racemosa Linn Flour

Qithful ilmi, Muhammad Amri, Fuji Astuti Febria, Siti Aisyah


Feed is a basic requirement in cultivating gourami fish. However, so far artificial feed has been quite expensive due to the soaring price of soybean flour. The high price of feed is an obstacle in fish farming. One effort to reduce feed costs is to make feed by substituting the basic ingredients of soybean flour with ingredients that are relatively cheap, but still contain high protein, such as fig flour. Efforts that can be made to optimize the absorption of feed nutrients are by improving the quality of feed, one of which is by adding feed additives in the form of probiotics to fish feed made from fermented fig flour. The aim of this research was to analyze the nutritional content of artificial feed made from fermented fig flour. This research uses an experimental method by fermenting artificial feed made from fig flour using EM4. The research results showed that the nutritional content of artificial feed made from fermented fig flour was obtained respectively; Water content 6.81% (g/100g), Ash content 9.94 % (g/100g), Crude Protein (N X 6.25) 40.02 % (g/100g), Crude Fat 7.16 % (g /100g) carbohydrates 36.03 % (g/100g) and Crude Fiber 2.883 % (g/100g).

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