The Epistemology Of Hadith Studies

Idri Shaffat


The epistemology of hadith studies has been built in the history of Muslim civilization since the beginning of Islam until now with the structure of riwâyah and dirâyah studies as well as its various branches, provided a significant contribution to the critique and research of the Prophet hadith authenticity. Through variety of concepts and theories of ‘Ulûm al-Hadîth, Muslims can distinguish between authentic hadiths, which are coming from the Prophet and those are not, in terms of isnâd, matn, or both, so they can also be determined whether the hadiths can be used as argumentation (dalîl) in the religious life of Muslims or not.

Throughout history, epistemology of hadith studies has been recognized by Muslims and there is no significant resistance from ancient times to the present, accept from the Orientalists who had rejected hadith criticism methodology proposed by scholars of hadith. It seems that the Orientalists who were skeptical of the authenticity of Prophet hadith appeared since the second half of the nineteenth century AD., as if they had tried to break down the foundations of hadith epistemology through their premises, concepts, and conclusions. Facing such orientalist attitudes, this paper tries to offer four concepts, namely having critical and scientific attitude, using constructive and not destructive thinking, based on the Quran, and using balanced and proportional method of thinking.


epistemology, hadith studies, isnâd, matn, riwâyah, dirâyah, hadith scholars, Orientalists

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