D.R.Congo LMD English Curricula And Syllabus For Medical Schools: A Brake To Develop English For Specific Purposes At ISTM
This study entitled “D.R.Congo LMD English curricula and syllabus for medical schools: a brake to develop English for Specific Purposes at ISTM” is examining, on the one hand, language policy related to English language teaching at university and mainly at medical technical colleges called ISTM; and on the other hand, to scrutinize if they fit with teaching and learning of English as second language or as a foreign language with overpopulated classes.
Thanks to different official decrees, academic instructions and circular notes successfully signed by official authorities from 2004, 2011, 2012, 2021 to 2024, English course for medical purposes was sustainably supported by different official texts than today; it is improved so in curricula of LMD new system that constrains it to not being well developed. For this reason, English language teaching objectives could not be attained at medical technical colleges as assigned by the country.
The research question will be to know if the country language planning and policy related to teaching English as a foreign language or english for medical purposes will allow teachers to attain the objectives where the learners are required to communicate in English showing that they are strategically, grammatically, discoursely and sociolinstically competent.
It seems unfortunately that, the present curricula-LMD system-for medical technical colleges allocate short teaching load to the English for medical/nursing purposes. This fact seems to be a true barrier for teachers to attain the language teaching objectives as well as the overpopulated classrooms where English should be developed. These two causes of English language teaching failure will be demonstrated in the results of the present article below.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v43.1.6011
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