Research Development In Sustainability And Optimization Model Of Supply Chain: A Systematic Literature Review
Abstract— Rising sustainability concerns motivate the organization to be more cognizant of its supply chain decisions. In addition to focusing on minimizing operation costs and maximizing profits, the company must evaluate the environmental and social impacts of various supply chain activities, such as manufacturing, warehousing, and distribution, since the current customers expect low-cost, high-quality products or services, rapid, flexible, and consistent delivery services, as well as an optimal environment and social consideration, which necessitates the construction and planning of supply chains with great care. This article intends to examine the implementation and utilisation of a sustainability and optimisation model for the supply chain by addressing economic, environmental, and social components through a thorough literature review. This study comprises 111 evaluated publications on supply chain optimization and sustainability published between 2015 and 2021 from Science Direct, IEEE, and Emerald database. Using the PRISMA method, this study contributes to the evaluated works categorized based on descriptive statistics of review papers, supply chain optimization issues, optimization models, and research gaps for designing a better sustainable supply chain.
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