Assessment of rainfall disaster risk in theAautonomous District of Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Michel Kinakpefan TRAORE


In the context of global change and climatic uncertainties, this study addresses the issue of the recurrence of rainfall events which, year after year, are responsible for the loss of many lives and significant material damage in the Autonomous District of Abidjan (ADA). The aim is to use spatial modelling to identify the areas of the district most vulnerable to hydroclimatic events such as flooding, soil erosion and landslides. The method integrates flooding, erodibility and soil loss indices into a Geographic Information System. These indices were generated on the basis of several criteria: soil, slope, lithology, exposure, slope shape and curvature, moisture index, vegetation index, land use and occupation, climatic aggressiveness, soil erodibility, topographic factor and soil protection. They were then prioritised, weighted and aggregated using a multi-criteria approach, the Analytical Hierarchy Process. This approach shows that the hydroclimatic risk associated with extreme weather events, but also and above all with poor territorial development, remains a major risk in the ADA. The analysis shows that almost a third (31.5%) of the territory is vulnerable to extreme hydro-meteorological events, ranging from "very likely" to "certain". This high level of vulnerability affects around two out of five inhabitants of the district. This map remains a decision-making tool for the preventive management of rainfall risk, which is likely to be exacerbated by the effects of climate variability.


Autonomous District of Abidjan, Rainfall risk, Vulnerabilities, Climate disaster, Decision-making tool, Crisis management

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