Total Mobilization of Ukraine on Hybrid Warfare Strategy Against The Russian Invasion
Abstract— The conflict between Ukraine and Russia has presented complex challenges in the form of hybrid warfare, where Ukraine has adopted a strategy of total mobilization to resist the Russian invasion. This thesis aims to analyze and evaluate how Ukraine implements total mobilization within the context of hybrid warfare strategy to counter the Russian invasion. Through a qualitative research approach using document analysis, interviews, and surveys, this research explores the mobilization policies, tactics, and comprehensive approaches employed by Ukraine. The literature review involves an in-depth examination of the concepts of total mobilization, hybrid warfare strategy, and the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The theoretical framework adopts mass mobilization theory and hybrid warfare theory to provide a better understanding of Ukraine's total mobilization practices in the face of the Russian invasion. The collected data include the analysis of Ukraine's policies and strategies, as well as interactions occurring through social media and other platforms during the conflict. Data analysis will involve assessing the effectiveness of Ukraine's total mobilization in mobilizing society, coordinating war efforts, and influencing the dynamics of the conflict. The results of this research are expected to provide better insights into the effectiveness of Ukraine's total mobilization strategy in confronting hybrid warfare with Russia. The implications of these findings can guide the Ukrainian government and international actors in supporting Ukraine's efforts to resist the Russian invasion and defend their sovereignty.
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