How to Ensure Indicators in Online Shopping are Good: A Case Study on Online Shopping Platforms in Indonesia

William Surya, Ronald Suryaputra


The pandemic has made many changes in human life, including in the lifestyle that is carried out, one of which is the development of an online shopping system. A growing platform for online business is Shopee. This research discovers the indicator testing of Social Presence and Telepresence toward Impulsive Buying Behavior. This research is done Quantitatively by using Structural Equation Modelling with AMOS 22 Software. Samples were taken through Purposive Sampling Method towards 150 consumers from Skintific brand that lives in Surabaya. This study will help identify the elements of consumer trust, telepresence, and social presence that influence consumers' impulsive purchasing behavior. Overall, because of the new trend's virality and the use of live streaming in commercial settings, a wide range of stakeholders—including academics, marketers, brands, and online sellers—will profit from the study's findings. All indicators testing of the research's assumptions are supported, this explains that the indicators used are appropriate for measuring each variable.


Social Presence of Live Stream Platform, Social Presence of Viewer, Social Presence of Streamer, Telepresence, Impulsive Buying Behavior, Social Commerce, Shopee

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