Analysis of Factors That Influence Robusta Coffee Production in Lampung Province

Riski Pratama, Muhamad Emil Rachman


This research analyzes the impact of variability in planting area, labor wages, fertilizer prices and coffee prices on robusta coffee production in Lampung Province. Using quantitative methods and secondary data from the Badan Pusat Statistik of Lampung Province for the last 20 years, this research applies a multiple linear regression model using the Cobb-Douglas equation. The results show that the variables planting area, labor wages, fertilizer prices significantly influence coffee production, while the coffee price variable does not have a significant impact. Research recommendations include strategies to increase the intensity of planting areas, labor wages, fluctuations in fertilizer prices by the government, and increasing farmer skills through agricultural extension. This research contributes to the understanding of robusta coffee production factors in Lampung Province and provides a basis for further research in coffee production.


Robusta Coffee, Production, Production Factors, Cobb-Douglas Production Function, Lampung

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