Isolation And Structural Elucidation Of Two New Compound Munduleaxanthone And Jipaflavonone From Mundulea Antanossarum Baill. (Syn. Mundulea Anceps Var. Mangokyensis "R.Vig. P.P.A, Leguminosae) Originated From Madagascar
Mundulea antanossarum (Leguminosae), known by its vernacular name "Malaignarety", is a species of plant endemic to the southern part of Madagascar. It is a very important plant for society in this region, due to its therapeutic virtues in traditional Malagasy medicine.
Phytochemical studies carried out on the pith of this plant isolated two pure products, and their chemical structures were elucidated using mass spectrometry (TOF-SM-EIS), ultra-violet visible (HPLC-UV-DAD), infra-red (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1D and 2D NMR).
The results of our studies carried out on this plant led to the discovery of two new molecules, Munduleaxanthone and Jipaflavonone, included in the flavonone chemical family with a reputation for biological activity.
Key words: Munduleaxanthone, Jipaflavonone, Mundulea antanossarum, Phytochemistry, NMR (1D and 2D) and TOF-SM-EIS.
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