Implementation of Public Service Policy at Camat Sunggal Offices in Deli Serdang District

Nina Angelia, Beby Masitho Batubara, Taufik Wal Hidayat, Selamat Riadi


This research aims to find out the implementation of public service policy in the Deli Serdang district is reviewed from indicators of communication, resources, disposal and bureaucratic structure. This research was designed using qualitative approximation. The informant is an officer of the Camat Sunggal Office of Deli Serdang district and a community that has sufficient knowledge and is able to explain the actual situation of the research object. Data analysis is done qualitatively. The results show that (1) communication has been conducted well, demonstrated by the behavior of the staff being friendly, gentle and gentle, but still controlled by a low awareness of the public to follow and abide by the provisions, (2) the staff resources are sufficient in terms of quantity, but it is still necessary to improve discipline in time and suitability and consistency with provisions laid down in the completion of the duty of service to ensure accountability of the performance of the officer, (3) the disposition has been well implemented characterized by a high consciousness of the entire element of leadership and the staff about the duties, responsibilities and authority as a public servant, (4) the bureaucratic post structure is running well in accordance with the substantive tasks and functions by implementing the terms of the activities of the service according to the regulations in the respective fields.


Public, Policy, Implementation

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Copyright (c) 2024 Nina Angelia, Beby Masitho Batubara, Taufik Wal Hidayat, Selamat Riadi

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