The Strategic Engagement of Great Powers in The Russia-Ukraine War

Putra Ansa Gaora, Rodon Pedrason, Erry Herman


Global politics has focused on the Russia-Ukraine conflict, while the international system is undergoing significant changes, with the United States, China, and Russia emerging as major players in the current world order. The Russia-Ukraine conflict has become a tipping point in the relationship between the great powers, as they have engaged in strategic competition that has far- reaching implications for international stability and security, so that the Russia- Ukraine conflict cannot be separated from the strategic engagements of the great powers either directly or indirectly. This paper examines the strategic engagement of the three great powers in the context of the Russia-Ukraine conflict and confidence-building measures to reduce tensions. Based on qualitative research, the paper evaluates the ineffectiveness of confidence- building measures adopted by the US, China and Russia in promoting stability and preventing conflict.


Keywords— Strategic Engagement, Great Power, Russia-Ukraine War, Confidence Building Measures.


Strategic Engagement, Great Power, Russia-Ukraine War, Confidence Building Measures.

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