Mathematical Approach: Integer Linear Programming using Branch and Bound Method for Optimizing Defense Facility Requirements in the New Soewondo Airbase

Nano Sujani, Y.H Yogaswara, Heri Budi Wibowo


This journal explores the application of Integer Linear Programming (ILP) using the Branch and Bound approach to optimize the defense facility needs at Lanud Soewondo, Hamparan Perak, Deli Serdang. Lanud Soewondo, currently located in Medan, North Sumatra, plans to relocate to enhance flight security and support the defense of the western part of Indonesia. This study involves mathematical modeling with a focus on the number and types of squadrons and personnel requirements at the new Lanud Soewondo. Data from field studies and literature reviews are used to construct the ILP model, which includes combat squadrons, drone-based reconnaissance squadrons, and transport squadrons. The Branch and Bound method is employed to optimize these variables according to the available land area. The research results indicate that the optimal solution using ILP Branch and Bound is 1 combat squadron, 2 drone-based reconnaissance squadrons, and 1 transport squadron. The total land area required is 52 hectares out of the planned 600 hectares, with an optimal personnel requirement of 525 out of the total 577 DSP personnel. The remaining land area of 548 hectares can be allocated for additional facilities, while 52 personnel can be placed outside the squadrons. This study concludes that the ILP Branch and Bound method is effective in planning the optimization of defense facility needs at the new Lanud Soewondo, providing an efficient solution and supporting air defense in the Hamparan Perak region.


Hamparan Perak; Soewondo Air Force Base; Integer Linear Programming; Branch and Bound; Optimization; Defense Facility

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