The Influence of Customer Experience, Customer Value and Corporate Image on Customer Loyalty for Maxim Consumers in Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bandar Lampung University

Tri Lestira Putri Warganegara, Pramita Pramita


The goal of this study is to determine the impact of customer experience, customer value and corporate image on customer loyalty for Maxim consumers among students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bandar Lampung University. The research sample was 100 maximal consumer respondents from students at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Bandar Lampung University. This research uses quantitative methods using IBM SPSS Statistics 25. According to the findings, customer experience has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty, customer value has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty, corporate image has a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty and customer experience, and customer value and corporate image together have a positive and significant impact on customer loyalty for Maxim consumers among students at the Faculty of Eco. These findings will help Maxim to strengthen its corporate image. Improving a Corporate's image can be an effective approach to increasing a Corporate's competitiveness, although customer experience and customer value must also be considered so that consumer loyalty becomes better. In an era of increasing business competitiveness, this investigation can be a forum for Maxim to increase the value of consumer loyalty towards using Maxim application services, to increase profits for the corporate.


Customer Experience; Customer Value; Corporate Image; Customer Loyalty

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