Evidence-Based Insights: Assessing the Role of Adult Education in Fostering Community Development in Rivers State, Nigeria

Dr. Winnifred Chioma Obi


This study examined the role of adult education in fostering community development in Oyigbo and Obio/Akpors of Rivers State. Descriptive Survey design was used for the study.  The population of the study comprised of 37,786 beneficiaries of adult education programmes 5 percent of the population was sampled for the study.  A sample of 1770 was draw form the target population.  Proportionate sampling technique was used to select the sample for the study. A self-structured questionnaire which has a reliability coefficient of 0.71 was used for the study.  The data collected were analyzed using mean score.  The findings of the study showed that adult education contributes immensely to community development in both Oyigbo and Obio/Akpor Local Government Area’s respectively.  The study recommended that adequate funding since adult education is essentially central to both personal and communal development and contributes to national development as well.  Thus, the government should therefore, adequately fund education, especially adult education for the promotion of community development in these areas of study


Adult Education, Fostering, Community Development

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v42.2.5864


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