Performance Of Posdaya Sabilulungan Village Neglasari Dramaga Bogor

Joko Purwono, Wahyu Budi Priatna


Situated in Neglasari village, Dramaga District, Posdaya Sabilulungan plays a crucial role in supporting farmer operations related to rice and vegetable production in this area. The performance of Posdaya Sabilulungan in Neglasari Village, Dramaga District, Bogor Regency, as well as the issues that crop up in the areas of economy, education, and health, are the focus of this study. The research's activity stages started with a review of theories, and concepts, and the identification of the Posdaya performance construct. A Posdaya performance measurement tool was then created. Group discussions, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews were used to gather research data. Respondents for the research were affiliated stakeholders and Posdaya cadres in the Posdaya work region. Descriptive statistical methods and Posdaya performance analysis were used to process the data. Three categories—individual level (6 indicators), group level (8 indicators), and community level (14 indicators)—can be formed from the Sabilulungan Posdaya performance study results. The results collected range from 3 (empowered) to 4 (extremely empowered) at the individual level. At the group level, however, there is a wide range of scores: less empowered (1, 2, and 3) to extremely empowered (4, 5). Additionally, the achievement score ranges from 3 (empowered) to 4 (extremely empowered) at the community level, except for service provider activities. The community's continued high levels of cooperation and unity, the quality of human resources available to carry out the Posdaya program, the control of facilities and infrastructure, the supervision of related agencies, and the attitudes of the community toward the Posdaya program's existence are some of the factors that are thought to have an impact on Sabilulungan's performance.


posdaya; performance

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