Information And Communication Technology Support In Moderate The Influence Of Community Participation On Thk-Based Ecotourism Development In The Munggu Badung Tourism Village

Anak Agung Sri Purnami, Anak Agung Ayu Erna Trisnadewi, I Gusti Lanang Putra


One of the sectors developed by the government to improve community welfare is the tourism sector. Tourism development which involves the government, tourism business actors and local communities, has the aim of developing quality tourism products with the Ecotourism concept. One of the villages developed with the Ecotourism concept is Munggu Badung Village.K. The problems that occur in Munggu Village related to the development of THK-based Ecotourism are community participation and less than optimal economic impacts as well as not optimal use of ICT in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of managing tourism organizations and increasing Internet-based promotions. This research aims to find the relationship between the Community Participation variable and Tri Hita Karana (THK)-based Ecotourism Development, moderated by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Support variable. Primary data collection uses a survey method with a questionnaire instrument. The sampling technique used snawball sampling with a sample size of 100 people. Primary data was analyzed in three stages, namely, first, carrying out descriptive analysis, to provide a general description of the data, second, carrying out associative analysis, with the aim of explaining the relationship between variables, third, hypothesis testing, to answer the problem using quantitative analysis with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of the SmartPLS program. 3.0. The research results show that Community Participation and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Support play a positive role in improving Tri Hita-based Ecotourism Development and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Support has not been able to strengthen the relationship between Community Participation and Tri Hita-based Ecotourism Development.


Community Participation, ICT Support, Tri Hita Karana Ecotourism Development

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