Conflict Resolution In Regional Elections In South Aceh Regency

Jamai Suni


The implementation of regional elections in Indonesia has experienced various kinds of conflicts and riots. South Aceh is a district that directly celebrates the regional election democracy celebration. In South Aceh Regency, a number of general elections, both legislative and regional head elections, were not free from conflict and violence. The high level of sentiment and division among community members before and after the 2018 regional elections. The handling and anticipation of potential conflicts carried out by the South Aceh Regency regional government in the 2018 regional elections was still not optimal.

This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection was done by field observations, in-depth interviews and literature study. While the informant conducted in a purposive determination. The data is processed and analyzed according to qualitative research stage.

The conflicts that occurred during the post-conflict local elections in South Aceh Regency occurred due to distrust and hostility between different groups in society, incompatible positions and different views on conflict by the parties experiencing the conflict, conflicts that were rooted in basic human needs. both physically, mentally and socially unfulfilled, identity that is threatened, often rooted in the loss of something or suffering in the past that has not been resolved, incompatibility in ways of communicating between different cultures between society and the central government or regional government, as well as problems -problems of injustice, inequality that emerge as social, cultural and economic problems in the community of South Aceh Regency. Therefore, resolution needs to be carried out so that the conflict in South Aceh Regency can be resolved, including through the peace keeping (maintaining peace), peace building (building peace) and peace making (making peace) models. There are new findings that can be made in conflict resolution efforts in South Aceh Regency through the juridical aspect.


Conflict Resolution, Regional Head Election

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