The Influence of Sociodemographic Factors on Community Health Status West Sumatra Province

febriani febriani


The aim of the research is to determine the influence of education, income, age, gender, place of residence, marital status, and work stress on the health status of the people of West Sumatra province partially and simultaneously. The data section comes from the literature study. The research population was 12 districts and 7 cities in West Sumatra province, the sample was determined by census. Results of the logistic multiple linear regression equation Y = 0.211 + Log 0.497X 1 + Log 0.715X 2 - Log 0.248X 3 – Log 0.221X 4 + Log 0.386X 5 + Log 0.589X 6 - Log 0.453X 7 + e. Partially and simultaneously, education, income, residence, marital status, and work stress have a significant positive effect on the health status of the people of West Sumatra province, except that age and gender have a significant negative effect on the health status of the people of West Sumatra province


health status, education, income, age, gender, placeresidence, marital status, work stress

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