Transformation Of Polri Strategy With Precision Principles In Preventing And Handling Vertical Conflict In Mimika Regency Central Papua Province

Guruh Ahmad Fadiyanto


The phenomenon of vertical conflict is very diverse, starting from the social, cultural, political and economic aspects of various lives which are triggered by differences between the Amungme tribe living in mountainous areas and the Kamoro tribe in coastal areas. Apart from these two tribes, there are still five kinship tribes including; Dani/Lani, Damal, Mee, Nduga and Moni according to characteristics which are considered detrimental and disturbing issues and even violate the rules and norms that apply to tribes still have various kinds of problems until now there are still tribal wars and wars between tribes, even within The tribe itself leads to the disintegration of the nation.

 The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach that systematically describes the facts and characteristics of objects and subjects from empirical observations carried out precisely by taking into account variations in the problems of transforming the National Police's strategy with the principle of precision in preventing and handling vertical conflict in Mimika Regency, Central Papua Province

The results of the research show that the transformation of the National Police's strategy with the Precision principle has not been implemented effectively, namely: 1). Events in the surrounding community that have had contact with society in general. 2). Factors causing vertical conflict are reduced feelings of nationalism, widening social disparities, and a number of violations of pro-people's rights. 3.) The National Police's precise strategic transformation model in preventing and handling vertical conflicts creates a lasting peace agreement which is implemented by the National Police based on a win and win solution, so that a compromise and collaborative decision is realized in resolving the conflict by both parties.

a) AbO (Ability and Opportunity) strategy which uses the National Police's capabilities to take advantage of opportunities in planning. b) SO (Strength and Opportunity) strategy which uses the power of the National Police. c) AgO (Agility and Opportunity) strategy which uses intelligence to have optimism to become a mobilizer and guide of the people around him as figures who are capable, knowledgeable and at the same time a role model. d) AbC (Ability and Culture) strategy which is the ability to face the demands of a changing cultural environment, where the National Police provides quality services. e) SC (Strength and Culture) strategy which uses power to respond to cultural changes by placing the National Police according to its main tasks and functions. f) AgC (Agility and Culture) strategy which uses intelligence to anticipate the influence of cultural change by creating a comfortable, healthy and orderly environment


Transformation, National Police, Precision, and Vertical Conflict

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