DFTB1 and DFTB2 Based Real-Time Flipping Motion Studies of Central Phenylene Rotator of Crystalline Siloxaalkane Molecular Gyroscope

Anant Babu Marahatta


Despite adopting ab initio functionalities comprising mathematical formulations and many unique complex computational features, the density-functional based tight-binding (DFTB) scheme presents itself as the standalone, versatile, and efficient quantum mechanical application. The recognizably low-cost, & extremely faster MD simulation parser codes of it run under the DFTB+ atomic simulation environment interface plus the noticeably methodical long ranged molecular interactions addressing 'non-self-consistent-charge' (DFTB1) & 'self-consistent-charge' (DFTB2) formulations adds a substantial value to its rational applications. Herewith, both the DFTB2/ & DFTB1/ MD simulation schemes are employed separately to simulate the siloxaalkane molecular gyroscope under crystalline condition with and without 'dispersion energy corrections' features at wide temperature regimes & the experimentally observed facile flipping motions of its central phenylene rotator are confirmed theoretically in real-time scales. The concerned rotary trajectories depict that: (a) at 800 K ³ T £ 1200 K, the rotator exhibits 1p inversions & frequent flipping motions easily with sub-picoseconds to picoseconds lifetimes; (b) at T = 600 K, the rotator flips between its stable positions at the intervals of several tens of picoseconds; but (c) at T = 300 K, the rotator flips more demonstratively with longer lifespans only after addressing the dispersion energies in DFTB2 scheme. Additionally, the flipping rates of the rotator;  = 0.018 ps-1 & = 0.021 ps-1 predicted at T = 800 K & 1200 K respectively are retarded to 0.009 ps-1 & 0.013 ps-1, and the flipping barrier estimated by using  & as Ea1 = 0.66 kcal/mol is increased to Ea2 = 1.84 kcal/mol after treating dispersion energies; the quite consistent values to those retrieved from the respectively derived potential energy surface (Ea1 =0.70 kcal/mol & Ea2 =1.2 kcal/mol). These quantitative results illuminate that the DFTB2/MD simulation scheme is more demandable than the DFTB1/MD especially for simulating crystalline molecular assembly.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v42.2.5732


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