Sustainable Development Through Community Empowerment Based On Local Wisdom
Poverty remains a serious challenge in developing countries, requiring a holistic and sustainable approach. This article describes the concept of community empowerment as the core of comprehensive development. This empowerment involves strengthening the capacity of communities through education, knowledge, and skills, enabling them to be independent and not completely dependent on the government to create jobs.
Local wisdom is an important factor in this approach, considering that each community has unique characteristics that require tailored solutions. As an alternative, human resource-based and environmental development emphasizes the sustainable use of material and non-material resources. South Korea is a successful example of this approach, although challenges remain in achieving ecological targets that integrate economic, social, and cultural aspects.
The fundamental difference lies in who leads these efforts. The government usually initiates the community development approach, while community empowerment comes from within the community with government support. A "bottom-up" approach with the principles of enabling, empowering, and protecting is the key to achieving sustainable empowerment. This article also highlights the importance of local wisdom in sustainable development which includes ecological, social, and economic aspects. Thus, this article attempts to link the success of community-based development with the achievement of ecological targets, with community empowerment as a key element that needs further analysis. In conclusion, to tackle poverty sustainably, we need to understand and apply these principles in our respective local contexts.
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