Fissure Analysis in Sustainable Earth Plaster Added with Fiber of Ixtle

Yolanda G. Aranda-Jiménez, Lisbeth A Brandt-Garcia, Edgardo J Suarez-Dominguez


The plasters of earth is the skin that protects the vernacular patrimonial architecture of this material and have been studied extensively, however, and given its importance, modern techniques have been used to monitor the cracking and microcracking of them.
One of these techniques is the fractal dimension, which is a tool of dynamic systems that provides information according to the approach in which it is used. Some properties of the elements, such as roughness, can be determined from this tool, as well as the determination of the cracking and its behavior.
The objective of this work is to analyze the stabilized earth covering with vegetable wise by means of the fractal dimension; a prototype was created for this purpose where the samples were placed and the results obtained were that is found a relationship between fissures and the stabilizing dosed. It was found that when ixtle fibber is used with an organic compound reduces fissure formation showing a better stabilization..


Fissures, Revoke, Fiber of ixtle

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