Agribusiness Cluster Impact Analysis on Economics Effectiveness of Soybean Producers in Benin

Arouna ASSOUMA, Epiphane SODJINOU, Zakou AMADOU, Jacob A. YABI


The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of agricultural clusters on the economic effectiveness of Benin's soybean producers. The questionnaire has been sent to a total of 360 of producers those belonging to an Agribusiness Cluster (ABC) and who do not participate. The invested producers were selected randomly. The data have been analyzed by the process of propensity scores matching (PSM), but before that the technical, allocative and economic efficiencies of these producers were estimated using the function of the stochastic borders. At the end of the analyses, the producers in the study area are average effectively at 53.64%. The results show that some of the method of estimating the ABC membership effect, the agribusiness cluster has a positive and significant positive effect on economic efficiency. So policies can be based on this tool in this perspective to make more produce producers globally. Keywords: Agribusiness Cluster (ABC); Economic efficiency; Pairing of propensity scores; Soybean


Agribusiness Cluster (ABC); Economic efficiency; Propensity Score Matching (PSM); Soybean and Benin

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