Post Mining Ecosystem Life Of Vertebrate Animals In The Emil Salim Sawahlunto Biodiversity Park.

Muhammad Anshari, Jabang Nurdin, Zainal Arifin


Emil Salim Sawahlunto Biodiversity Area, formerly a mining site, presents a significant case study concerning ecosystem transformation post-mining activities. Intensive mining activities have deeply impacted the ecology, dramatically altering the landscape and causing serious environmental damage. The decline in biodiversity is a crucial indicator of ecosystem degradation. Biodiversity, encompassing both flora and fauna, plays a central role in the reclamation and restoration processes of former mining lands. Being an integral part of the ecosystem, vertebrates play a vital role in aligning and expediting the natural recovery processes of the environment. This study aims to identify and document the vertebrate species still present in the Emil Salim Sawahlunto Biodiversity Area. The research employs a descriptive qualitative approach involving direct observations, trapping, and using calls to identify vertebrate species within the area. Direct observations revealed a total of 34 vertebrate species, distributed across 5 groups: 19 bird species, 5 reptile species, 6 amphibian species, 2 mammal species, and 2 fish classes. The identified vertebrate species within the area fall under the category of 'Least Concern' (LC) status, indicating a low risk of endangerment and are not protected by Law No. 92 of 2018."


Vertebrate Animals, Biodiversity Parks, Former Mining Area.

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