Revenue Of Local Revenue Of Padang City With The Development Of Local Food-Based Culinary Tourism

Budi Yanti, Nurlina Nurlina, Nisya Cesaryani Rahmasari


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of hotel tax revenue, restaurants, entertainment, tourist attraction levies, billboards, parking and street lighting on the revenue of Padang city's original income partially and simultaneously. Secondary research data sources in the form of panel data collected from library research. The research population is 12 regencies and 9 cities in West Sumatra province. The sample was determined by purposive sampling, namely Padang city. The multiple linear regression equation obtained Y = -897,973 + 7,869X1 + 5,492X2 + 498,735X 3 + 519,704 X 4 + 11,817X 5 + 10,249 X6 + 991,473X7 + e. The results showed that hotel, restaurant, entertainment, tourist attraction levies, billboards, parking and street lighting taxes had a significant positive effect on the PAD revenue of Padang city partially and simultaneously.


Keywords - Local Revenue, Culinary Tourism and Local Food


Local Revenue, Culinary Tourism and Local Food

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