State Of Play On The Management Of Solid Biomedical Waste At The Barumbu Mother And Child Hospital Center And Medical Services Center In The City Of Kinshasa In DR Congo



Objective: To evaluate the management of solid bio-medical waste (BMW) at the Barumbu Mother and Child Hospital (MCH) and Medical Services Center.

Methods: Transversal descriptive study made from May 19 to July 19, 2023. Of the 417 questionnaires distributed to providers, 272 responses were obtained, representing a response rate of 65.2%. Data collection was done by survey questionnaire, direct observations and daily weighing. Data analysis is done by Epi-info 7.2.5 and Excel 2016 software.

Results: The average estimated daily amounts of BMW at MCH Barumbu and Medical Services Center are 0.45 kg/bed and 0.97 kg/bed, respectively. The sorting was not suitable at 65%, lack of packaging and color code. The insufficiency of material resources was criticized at 88%. 55.5% of accidents/injuries were recorded. The storage area was not secure. 88.97% of staff were unaware of management standards, 99.3% were aware of the health risks associated with hospital waste and 13.97 were trained. It is noted that the financial resources allocated to the management of BMW are insufficient.

Conclusion: Improving the management of BMW inevitably requires the removal of constraints that would require the involvement of managers at all levels.


Key words: Management, Solid hospital waste, Barumbu Mother and Child Hospital Center, Medical Services Center, Kinshasa

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Copyright (c) 2023 Arsène MUSWASWA MUSWASWA, Dieudonné Eyul'Anki MUSIBONO, René VALU GIZANGA, Emmanuel MAKALY BIEY

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